As a member of the National Rural Letter Carrier Association (NRCLA), you are one of the select mail
carriers serving more than 40 million people across rural America. Out on the open road, you brave
inclement weather, adverse road conditions, and protective canines all to deliver letters and other
parcels to those in rural and suburban areas. For all that you do, we believe you deserve First-Class

That’s why National General
* created this dedicated site we call NRLCA Vehicle Insurance as well
as an insurance program tailored for route vehicle drivers like you. Whether you drive once a week or
daily, our aim is to equip you with specialized insurance coverage that will help protect you and those
around, both on and off the route.
But that’s only the beginning. National General is the only insurer group endorsed by the NRLCA for more
than 65 years. We have a long history of providing all types of insurance to carriers and their families
including auto insurance, home insurance, motorcycle insurance, and more. Call to find out more about what
we can offer you!